Well I haven’t blogged for a while as I have had my head down and tail up meeting with couples and writing their special ceremonies. They have all been different unique and each one was special.
Here are some pics of a few of my recent ceremonies
Chris and Tracey had a fabulous intimate ceremony with family and friends at the always wonderful Mantells

Chris and Tracey at Mantells
Sunny and Jill had flown in from Hong Kong to share their special day at Sorrento in the Park. They even completed their ceremony with a colourful balloon release.

Sunny and Jill at Sorrento
Yari and Mat were actually here in New Zealand to attend their friends Karla and Jen’s Civil Union. They decided to have a commitment ceremony of their own, here at my home ‘Casabella’

Yari and Mat at Casabella
Jen and Karla (who were Yari and Mat’s witnesses) shared a magical day of their own the next day, when they became Civil Union Partners at the Auckland Zoo. These wonderful ‘action’ photos are from Perspectives Photography – the best photographers in the business!

Karla and Jen with friends

Karla and Jen with lion
Jessie and Mark looked resplendent on their magical day, held at the tropical wonderland of Landsendt. Despite dodging the raindrops, I have never seen so many smiles.

Jessie and Mark at Landsendt
Paul and Matt had a hot sunny day to celebrate their Civil Union at a friend’s home.
To honour Paul’s Irish ancestry they shared their first drink from a Quaich – the ceremonial celtic toasting cup, which was filled with nothing else but the best whiskey.

Paul and Matt's Civil Union

Peta Hardley Civil Union Celebrant
Leigh was about to celebrate her wedding anniversary and decided to surprise her husband Mark with a Renewal of Vows ceremony. It was a hastily arranged (but still special) evening at the Riverhead with a few close family and friends

Mark and Leigh renewal of Vows
Emma and Michael along with their beautiful daughter Nikita, celebrated their wedding here at Casabella. They shared a sand ceremony depicting sand from the east and west coast of New Zealand as well as the rich red sand from Michael’s homeland, Zimbabwe.

Emma, Michael and wee Nikita at Casabella

Michael and Emma's sand ceremony
Finally there is Kumi and Ryan who held their lovely wedding at their home. As well as a few friends, they included family from overseas via Skype, which was pretty cool. They had no bridal party apart from their dog Calvin – complete with bow tie.

Kumi & Ryan

Ryan and Kumi's Best dog - Calvin
Congratulations to all these wonderful couples, their families and their furry friends.
xxxxx Peta