What an amazing summer we’ve had in Auckland, although my garden has taken a bit of a beating.
These couples enjoyed the most of the Auckland’s endless summer on their big day.
Donna and Colin enjoyed their special day at lovely Gracehill, attended by family and friends. Their gorgeous grandchildren took an active part in the ceremony too.

Colin & Donna @ Gracehill
Kristy and Tim were the picture of happiness on their wedding day amongst the tropical wonderland of Landsendt (In fact I didn’t think there was a single moment where Tim wasn’t absolutely beaming with happiness)

Kristy & Tim @ Landsendt
Marissa and Daniel honoured their parents with a beautiful tea ceremony during their wedding ceremony @ Twin lakes in Coatesville. Their big day was made perfect with a great team of helpers – complete with walkie talkies!

Marissa & Daniel
For those of you who have never been to Twin lakes in Coatesville, you are missing a real treat (unless you have a bird phobia). It is the most amazing setting and so beautifully maintained. No wonder it’s classed as a ‘Garden of Significance’

Twin Lakes – Breath taking!
Vivian and Kevin at least got Vivian’s walk with her father down the lovelyoutside steps at Gracehill before the skys decided to open up. There were plenty of umbrellas to help us move indoors where the ceremony continued, slightly damp but still with plenty of smiles.
I reminded them that rain on your wedding day is a sign of good fortune – It’s true!

Vivian & Kevin @ Gracehill
Before I go, I wanted to share with you some photos of Josh and P last winter, taken at the lake here at my home ‘Casabella’ . The photos are by the award winning photographers Amber and Isaac deReus of Perspectives Photography.
See what great shots you can get if you’re brave enough to venture off the paths and walk through a paddock!. Thanks to Amber and Isaac (and Josh and P) for sharing these stunning photos.
Finally, I’ve got to mention my delight at the passing of the Marriage Amendment Bill this month which allows same sex couples to marry in NZ. It made me feel even more proud about being a Kiwi!
After all, Love is love– and is not deminished by race, religion, age or sexuality.
Equality comes from treating everybody the same, regardless of who they are.
I liked what a chap named Orlando Winters said. ‘If a couple of gay guys (or girls) want
to throw the gayest, most fabulous wedding of all time, the only way it should offend you
is if you weren’t invited.”